Intentional Direct Mailing (IDM)
Often times a business will have visitors to their website that they are unaware of as the visitor didn’t take any action or they filled a cart and then abandoned it. With Intentional Direct Mailing, you are able to further get the attention of these unknown visitors by incentivizing your business to them and growing your clientele from an otherwise ignored market.

How It Works
A pixel is placed within a website of your choosing (this is not something that is visible to visitors) so that when a visitor goes to that page with the pixel, their information is gathered, and a real-time postcard is printed with an incentive to contact your business. Within three business days, a postcard is mailed out to them.
Depending on the program you choose, there is an opportunity to target areas of your choice and/or blacklist an area. You can choose how many cards are sent out monthly. You can also change your incentive offering and design any time as these cards are printed in real-time. There are 3 different sizes of cards to choose from.